Journal Information:
ISSN: 2239-5938
EISSN: 2239-6101
Abbreviated Title: EJSD
DOI: 10.14207/ejsd
First Published: 1 Feb 2012
Language: English, Italian
Focus and Scope
EJSD is a double blinded peer-reviewed open access journal, published under the supervision of the European Center of Sustainable Development. EJSD was established as the official journal of ECSDEV, to provide an international forum for debates among diverse disciplines, such as human development, environmental and energy economics, health education studies, and related fields. The main purpose of the journal is twofold: to encourage (1) integration of theoretical studies and policy studies on sustainability issues and (2) interdisciplinary works of energy economics, environmental policy studies, educational studies, sustainable agricultural development, health and food education, urban planning and related fields on sustainability issues. The journal also welcomes contributions from any discipline as long as they are consistent with the above stated aims and purposes, and encourages interaction beyond the traditional schools of thought.
Peer Review Process
All research articles undergo a rigorous double-blind peer review including initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing.
Each article sent out for review is sent to two or three reviewers, who are selected by the journal’s editorial board and are asked to disclose any conflicts of interest before accepting the assignment. Referees are asked to assess the quality of submitted papers and to point out mistakes, errors, omissions, unclear passages, and digressions. They may also offer substantive criticism. If, however, a high-quality paper encounters substantive criticism by a referee, the editors may still accept the paper without revisions concerning the substantial points of disagreement, and invite the referee to publish a comment, to which the author may respond. A decision about whether to accept, reject, or invite revisions to the article is generally made within 4-6 weeks of sending it out for review.
Authors should prepare their manuscripts in order to facilitate anonymous review. Any identifying references to the author should be removed prior to submission.
Open Access Policy
EJSD Follows an Open Access Policy. This statement means that all past and present published manuscripts can be accessed, viewed, copied, downloaded, distributed, linked or searched in full text without any need of submission or charge. This choice represents our intention to contribute in the global process of knowledge democratization.
Journal Information:
ISSN: 2239-5938
EISSN: 2239-6101
Abbreviated Title: EJSD
DOI: 10.14207/ejsd
First Published: 1 Feb 2012
Language: English, Italian