General Designing Principles and Urban Recovery Framework in the Karabakh Region


  • Yegana Hajiyeva Arshad Doctor of Philosophy in Architecture, Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction



The process of formation of the urban architectural environment is presented by the author as a continuous phenomenon that directly influences the general appearance of the city. The interdisciplinary of this scientific direction is also well established. The main part of the article is devoted to the problem of creating a unified urban architectural ensemble, taking into account the economic, social, environmental and spatial aspects of design. The article analyzes the development of the planning structure of the city, the formation of its status and specific features. The design proposals of various cities and the modern concept of city development are considered. The problems of the state of the urban environment and promising directions in the development of liberated areas are being identified. The purpose of the study is to develop promising development methods considering all the characteristics of the city. For the first time, objective prerequisites for the formation of new planning models for the multifunctional environment of liberated cities were revealed. Based on the approved modern concept of the development of cities of Karabakh, the proposed models will help solve the issue of the development of housing stock of cities, both for residents and tourists, contribute to the additional influx of investments, as well as serve as a basis for the development of similar development models for other regions of Azerbaijan.




How to Cite

Arshad, Y. H. . (2022). General Designing Principles and Urban Recovery Framework in the Karabakh Region. European Journal of Sustainable Development, 11(3), 193.


