Sustainable Development & Good Governance
The paper explores two concepts that are gaining prominence around the world: Sustainable Development (SD) and Good Governance. The paper provides a literature review on both of the two concepts and their histories. The two are then related to each other in order to explore the interrelation and integration between the two concepts. It is determined that achieving SD requires Good governance, and achieving Good Governance requires SD. This is studied using Heliopolis University for Sustainable Development as a case study in which a sample of 100 (n = 100) from both administrative and academic staff members, responded to a questionnaire on the topics of SD and Good Governance. The results showed a strong relationship between the various concepts and variables of Good Governance measured and between the applications of SD concepts. The significance of the study is that, while there is a significant research and study on the topics of SD and Good Governance, little focus has been placed on the intersection between these two critical fields. Furthermore, this study provides empirical evidence for the connect as well as the implications Good Governance has on the success of the institutionalization of SD.
Keywords: Sustainable Development; Good Governance; Corporate Governance; Millennium Development Goals MDGs