Important Dates


Regular Deadline
Late Submission Deadline
Proposal Submission
30 March 2024
15 July 2024
Notification of Acceptance
Before 20 April  2024
Before 20 July  2024
Manuscript Submission
10 April  2024
25 July  2024
25 April  2024
30 July 2024
 Deadline for Poster or Virtual PowerPoint Submission:  30 July 2024.
 Late submissions will receive online only Conference materials

1. Registration Fees includes:

  • Conference session presentation (based on accepted proposal and scheduling into the conference program).
  • Certificate of Appreciation.
  • Publication of accepted manuscripts in the European Journal of Sustainable Development (ISSN),
  • Publication of accepted proposals in the Proceedings 12th ICSD 2024, Book of Abstracts (ISBN)
2. Proposals submitted after  30 July are subject to availability of space. Delegates that register after this date, will receive all Conference materials in electronic format only.
3. Registrations must be completed and fully paid before presentations are scheduled. Payment must be received by the indicated date in order to receive the stated guarantees associated with the specific Registration Phase. If registration payment is received after the late registration deadline, scheduling of the presentation is subject to availability of space.
4. Note that proposal submission is mandatory. Meanwhile manuscript submission is optional. Late manuscript submissions, if accepted, can be published in the next issues of EJSD on line only edition.
5. All Participant authors and co-authors must register separately once the proposal has been accepted. Non Participant co-authors do not need to register. It is sufficient the registration of the primary author.
6. You may submit multiple proposals for the conference.  However, in the interest of fairness and as a function of the scheduling process, each presented paper must have a separate registration. In other words, there must be a paid registration for every accepted proposal.

7. Only listener participants are accepted in few exceptional circumstances. They should contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for further information.