Traditional Ruler, Environmental Education, Pollution and Rural Communities in Nigeria: Challenges and Prospects
The central argument of this paper is premised on the fact that awareness level of environmental management is characterized by inadequate education which has resulted to environmental degradation, deforestation and killing of game reserves particularly among rural dwellers. Given the agrarian nature, subsistence economy and cultural norms of the local people who share common belief system; repose enormous respects on their traditional head as he is referred to as the custodian of the people, community and culture, thus positioning the traditional ruler as veritable instrument for educating the rural populace. The paper heavily relies on the secondary source of data collection and employs historical analysis. This paper therefore examines the role of traditional ruler in sensitising rural communities on environmental pollution in Nigeria, with the view to explicate challenges and underlying prospects.
Keywords: Traditional ruler, local government, rural communities, adoption mechanism, environmental education.